SCRA - Santander

Santander's SCRA Team is here to answer questions about the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
Financial Protection For Those Who Serve
The Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides a wide range of protections and benefits for individuals in the military who are called to active duty or deployed. The intent of SCRA is to postpone or suspend certain civil obligations to enable servicemembers to devote full attention to duty and to relieve stress on family members of those deployed servicemembers.
It's important to all of us at Santander that the persons who serve in our country's military be aware of the protections and benefits SCRA provides. The questions and answers below provide valuable information that applies to the products and services offered by Santander.
Who is eligible under SCRA?
The SCRA covers full-time active duty members of the five military branches (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force); reservists on federal active duty; and members of the National Guard on federal orders for a period of more than 30 days. Servicemembers absent from duty for a lawful cause or because of sickness, wounds, or leave; commissioned officers in active service of the Public Health Service (PHS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are also covered by the SCRA.
What are your SCRA benefits?
The SCRA is a broad statute that provides many benefits. Visit for more details.
What types of loan accounts are covered by SCRA?
- Credit cards
- Installment and auto loans
- Mortgages and home equity loans and lines of credit
- Loans secured by a deposit account, such as a CD
- Other loans and lines of credit
It is important to remember that the SCRA interest benefit applies only to any existing loan made to a servicemember prior to the servicemember being called to active duty.
Key Benefits of the SCRA
- Prior to entering active duty, and then been called onto active duty for 180 days or longer; or
- During active duty, and then received orders for a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) from a location inside the continental United States (CONUS) to a location outside the continental United States (OCONUS), or a PCS from a location OCONUS to any new location, or deployment with a military or uniformed unit or in support of a military or uniformed operation for 180 days or longer.
How do I take advantage of the benefits?
You can request benefits by doing one of the following:
- Call 1.844.SAN.SCRA (844.726.7272) to request the benefit
- Submit a written request with a copy of your military orders to:
Santander Bank, N.A.,
SCRA, Mailcode: PA-450-CB2
PO Box 12646
Reading, PA 19612 - Email a request with a copy of military orders to
- Hearing-and speech-impaired customers may also call 7-1-1 or their preferred relay service.
Additional Servicemember Resources:
US Department of Veteran Affairs
Veterans Health Administration
Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Veterans Crisis Line