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How do I nickname my account(s) in Online Banking?

With Online Banking, you are now able to show, hide, and/or nickname your accounts. To show, hide and/or nickname your accounts within Online Banking:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. On the Overview screen, click "Personalize your view" located above “Actions”
    • To show an account, check the box under “SHOW”
    • To hide an account, if box is checked, uncheck box
    • To nickname an account:
      1. Under “Nickname”, enter the nickname(s) for each account (Nicknames can be within 1-20 characters (including spaces)
      2. Enter the order you wish your accounts to appear within your online banking (if applicable)
      3. Click “Continue”
      4. Review your updates and click “Continue”

Result: The following displays:
Confirmation: Your account personalization changes were updated successfully.