International Trade Finance | Santander Bank - Santander

International Trade Finance
Whether you are an established exporter or importer—or exploring global opportunities for the first time—Santander can help you strengthen your business relationships around the world. Our international trade financing solutions can help you mitigate risk, optimize working capital, negotiate more favorable terms—and ventures across borders with confidence.
Export Trade Solutions

The Export & Credit Agency Finance team helps clients:
- identify optimal financial solutions to assist with engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contracts, and
- implement investment plans for exports of capital goods.
Santander works closely with ECAs and Multilateral Agencies (MLAs) in order to help minimize political, commercial and project risks. In addition, Santander’s global network allows clients to make decisions based on current information and optimizes the application process.
Expand into new markets, enhance customer confidence, and help mitigate payment risk with export trade solutions from Santander.
- Export Letters of Credit
- Export Documentary Collection
- Ex-Im* Bank Working Capital Guarantee Program for pre-export financing
Import Trade Solutions

- Import Letters of Credit
- Usance Payable at Sight Letters of Credit
- Banker’s Acceptances
- Import Documentary Collection
Santander Trade Portal*

- Access more than 40 databases covering 185 countries.
- Evaluate markets and industries
- Connect with local market entry experts in countries of interest
- Join a network of 20,000+ potential business partners with matchmaking opportunities
- Research 200,000+ importers and exporters in your countries of interest
Working Capital Solutions

- Trade Loans to finance your imports and pre-export needs.
- Standby Letters of Credit (L/C) enhance your promise of payment by making Santander Bank secondarily liable to your creditors or customers
- Supply Chain Finance to optimize payment terms with strategic suppliers and reduce working capital needs
- Receivables Finance to unlock trapped cash in your receivables while keeping competitive terms with your customers
*The information is provided to you for informational purposes only. Santander Bank, N.A. bears no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness (or lack thereof) of the information provided to you or for any error in its transmission to you, makes no representation or warranty, either express or implied, with respect to the information provided to you, and undertakes no obligation to update or supplement the information to you or otherwise provide additional information. It is agreed that Santander Bank, N.A. shall have no liability to you relating to or resulting from your use of the information provided to you or any errors therein or omissions therefrom. Use of this information by the recipient constitutes a complete release of Santander Bank, N.A. which bears no responsibility whatsoever for the statements contained in The Trade Portal or the Trade Hub. The recipient of this information is encouraged to conduct its own due diligence on the information contained in The Trade Portal and the Trade Hub as Santander has not conducted any due diligence on such information and has posted it for convenience of reference only.