Small Business Digital Banking Resources | Santander Bank - Santander
Digital banking
Popular Questions
How do I update my contact information?
How do I get started with the Business Banking App?
Can I access personal accounts through Business Online Banking?
How do I update my contact information?
How can I receive my statements electronically?
Can I access my personal accounts through Business Online Banking?
How do I retrieve my lost or forgotten Business Online or Mobile Banking Organization ID and User ID?
How do I reset my Business Online Banking or Business Banking App password?
How can I remove my User ID from this device?
How can I download information into Quickbooks® or other financial management software?
What is my Automated Telephone Banking password?
How do I get started with Online Banking?
Who should I contact if I am unable to log into Business Online Banking?
How can I change my Business Online Banking password?
Can I view images of my deposit tickets and corresponding checks in Business Online Banking?
Why am I not able to login to Business Online Banking?
Can I have a particular account always appear first in the list of my accounts?
How do I get started with the Business Mobile Banking app?
Do I need to be registered to use Mobile Banking?
Can secondary users use the Business Mobile Banking app?
What is Quick Balance?
How do I activate the Quick Balance?
Can I make transactions once I see my account balances though Quick Balance?
What is Touch ID and how do I set it up for Business Mobile Banking?
What is Mobile Check Deposit and what accounts are eligible?
How do I make a Mobile Check Deposit for my business account?
What types of checks are accepted?
How do I endorse a check deposited through Mobile Banking?
Are there limits to Mobile Check Deposit?
How do I take a good picture of the check?
What should I do with a check after I deposit it?
Can I use the Business Mobile App to deposit a check to my personal account?
Is there a fee for using Mobile Check Deposit?
Still have questions? We’re here to help.

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